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Maple • Meeting Room 3 - Belgium
Antarctic • Alt Bau - Germany
Eclipse • Hotel Vedette - Belgium
Lyra • Office Space 2 - Belgium
Magnetite Grey • Feiring Bruk - Norway
Galena • Surfin Polska - Poland
Moonless Night - Eclipse • Koedood Diesel Service - Netherlands
Moonless Night - Eclipse • Koedood Diesel Service - Netherlands
Planet • Assar - Belgium
Morion Brown - Moonrock - Orion - Nebula • Nishinomiya Gardens - Japan
Coffee Bean • Oettinger Davidoff AG - Switzerland
Moonless Night - Eclipse • Voeders Depre - Belgium
Quartz • Municipality of Emmen - Netherlands
Moonrock - Moonless Night • Sodexo Italy - Italy
Diamond • TMVW - Water Company - Belgium